Well, This is it. Little Miss is turning 1. It is bittersweet, tearful, and exciting all the same. She has grown into an adorable toddler seemingly overnight. She laughs, dances, talks, signs, crawls, and brings a smile to our faces each day. Yesterday, We had the pleasure of celebrating with a gathering of our closest friends and family. It was a bittersweet, yet joyous occasion. I have been brimming with tears close to all weekend. Where has the time gone? Can I order a redo?
Little Miss thoroughly enjoyed her first Birthday Cake.....can you say YUMMY!!!
Saying thank you to all the guests!
Seriously, tell me this isn't the most adorable and cleaver thing EVER!!! ("Happy 1st Birthday Bailey Michelle Towne, Love Erin and Andy")
Family Pictures: 

Thank You so much to everyone for loving, supporting and influencing our Daughter. We are blessed beyond words to have each of you in her life. Thank You!
That first birthday is a bittersweet time but I can tell you that it just gets better! I love every season we are in but I love it even more as they grow older and experience new things.